Indian poker, also known as Blind Man’s Bluff, is a popular card game played throughout India and Southeast Asia. With its roots in traditional poker, Indian poker features unique rules and gameplay that make it a distinct and exciting game to play. Whether you’re a seasoned poker player or just starting out, understanding the basics of Indian poker is essential to mastering this game. In this article, we’ll cover the rules, gameplay, and strategies involved in Indian poker, as well as explore some of the popular variations of the game. So, let’s dive in and learn how to play Indian poker like a pro.

Rules of Indian Poker

To begin, let’s cover the rules of Indian poker:

Deck of cards used: Indian poker is typically played with a standard deck of 52 cards.

Number of players: The game can be played with 3 or more players.

Dealing and betting rounds: The game starts with each player receiving one card face-down. This is followed by a betting round where players bet based on the strength of their hand. After the first round of betting, players receive a second card face-down, followed by another round of betting. This process continues until each player has received four cards, with a betting round after each card is dealt.

Hand rankings: The hand rankings in Indian poker are slightly different from traditional poker. The best possible hand is a four-of-a-kind, followed by a three-of-a-kind, a pair, and then high card. In Indian poker, the suits of the cards do not hold any significance and are irrelevant in determining the winner of a hand.

One unique aspect of Indian poker is that players are not allowed to look at their own cards. This means that players have no idea what cards they are holding, and must rely on their memory and deduction skills to make informed bets and decisions.

Overall, the rules of Indian poker are relatively straightforward, but the unique gameplay adds an exciting twist to the game. Understanding these rules is essential to playing the game effectively and increasing your chances of winning.

Gameplay of Indian Poker

Now that we’ve covered the rules of Indian poker, let’s dive into the gameplay:

Blinds and antes: Indian poker typically features both blinds and antes. The player to the left of the dealer posts a small blind, and the player to their left posts a big blind. In addition to the blinds, all players also contribute an ante to the pot before the hand is dealt.

Initial hand dealt: Each player is dealt one card face-down, and the first round of betting begins. Players must place their bets based on the strength of their hand, despite not knowing what card they hold.

Betting rounds: After each round of betting, players receive another card face-down, and the betting round begins again. This process continues until each player has four cards, with a betting round after each card is dealt.

Showdown: Once the final round of betting is complete, the players reveal their cards. The player with the best hand wins the pot.

One important aspect of Indian poker is that players are not allowed to look at their own cards. This adds a level of uncertainty and makes the game more challenging. As players must rely on their memory and deduction skills to make informed bets and decisions.

Overall, the gameplay of Indian poker is fast-paced and exciting, with players placing bets based on the strength of their hand and trying to outsmart their opponents. Understanding the betting rounds and showdown is crucial to successfully playing Indian poker.

Strategies for Indian Poker

Now that we’ve covered the rules and gameplay of Indian poker, let’s discuss some strategies that can help improve your chances of winning:

Starting hand selection: Since players are not allowed to look at their own cards, it’s important to be selective when placing bets. Players should only bet on hands that have a strong chance of winning.

Positional awareness: Just like in traditional poker, positional awareness is important in Indian poker. Players should take note of their position at the table and adjust their betting strategy accordingly.

basics of Indian poker

Bet sizing: In Indian poker, it’s important to vary your bet sizes to keep your opponents guessing. Betting big on a weak hand can sometimes convince your opponents that you have a strong hand, and vice versa.

Reading opponents: Since players cannot see their own cards, it’s important to pay attention to your opponents and try to read their betting patterns. This can help you make informed decisions about when to bet, call, or fold.

Ultimately, the key to successful Indian poker is to adapt to the unique gameplay and be flexible in your betting strategy. By being selective in your starting hand selection, paying attention to your position and your opponents’ betting patterns. Varying your bet sizes, you can increase your chances of winning in this exciting game.


Indian poker, with its unique rules and gameplay, provides an exciting twist on traditional poker. Players must rely on their memory and deduction skills to make informed bets and decisions, adding an element of unpredictability to the game. By understanding the rules and gameplay of Indian poker, and employing effective strategies such as starting hand selection. Positional awareness, and bet sizing, players can increase their chances of winning. Whether you’re a seasoned poker player or just starting out, Indian poker offers a fun and challenging game that is sure to keep you on your toes.

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